You can ask AI to do pretty much anything these days, be it help with a job application, make you a travel itinerary, or even roast your Instagram feed. But in a recent turn of events, ChatGPT has become one of the most unexpected wellness tools, helping its users to build a lifestyle routine that aligns with their ‘dream life’.
The idea started on TikTok, with users inputting their hopes and dreams into the AI application and asking it to build a daily routine of someone living that life.
Perfecting a tailored morning routine is a process that normally takes days, months or even years to perfect, but ChatGPT can do it faster than it takes your herbal tea to brew.
ChatGPT, build my dream life
You don’t need to be a big dreamer to make use of the AI tool’s superfast features.
Whether you’re aiming to boost productivity, fit in pre-work exercise, or get your schedule, ChatGPT can provide bespoke suggestions to transform your mornings, and can even provide steps to execute that routine to make your dreams feel closer to reality.
Prompted by TikTok’s ‘Ask ChatGPT to create your dream life’ trend, HELLO!’s Lifestyle Team put it to the test, asking the AI tool to invent the perfect morning routine of someone living our dream lives. Do not disturb, I’m making my vision board.
Keep scrolling for the results…
Georgia Brown – Senior Lifestyle & Fashion Writer
Dream life: Fashion Editor and brand CEO with a regimented wellness routine
Georgia’s thoughts: “Asking Chat GPT to manifest a morning routine for my dream life made it pretty clear my real-life routine needs some serious work. AI me had drunk 1L of lemon water, journaled, gone on a mind-focusing morning run and stretch session, double cleansed, made an organic green smoothie, spent 30 minutes wedding planning and reviewed her daily agenda all before 9 am – whereas I’m lucky if I have time for breakfast in the morning.
“It’s definitely given me some insight into what could be possible to set myself up for success before the day begins. I’ve always set resolutions that I’ll be a girl with a solid ‘5-9 before my 9-5’ routine, but never been committed enough to make a mindful morning routine a habit.
“Surprisingly, my ChatGPT routine doesn’t feel that unrealistic. I’m pretty certain I could squeeze everything in if I got up early enough… but would that really be good for me, is the real question.”
Francesca Shilcock – Senior Features Writer
Dream life: Living in Ibiza and running a yoga retreat
Francesca’s thoughts: “My Chat GPT routine is, unsurprisingly, very far removed from my current day-to-day schedule! Safe to say, living that wholesome Ibiza life is still a bit of a fantasy.
“However, there are elements I would love to incorporate more into my everyday life to make me feel like I’m even just one step closer to living my pipe dream.”I may not be able to start my day with a beach walk in San Antonio but getting out and making the most of daylight and, on days when I don’t commute, doing yoga first thing before I start work is totally doable.
“I also love that it’s encouraging me to engage in a digital detox more – I’m really trying to use my phone less! – and prioritising my health with a wholesome green juice in the morning is something I’m keen to try out.”
Kate Thomas – Lifestyle Managing Editor
Dream life: A bestselling author who lives by the seaside
Kate’s thoughts: “Chat GPT’s seaside-dwelling author is the me I’ve always dreamt of being. A 5.30 am alarm, morning meditation and gratitude mantras followed by a walk on the beach and a daily workout would be idyllic, and I can envision myself thriving thanks to this relaxing yet structured routine.
“While I’m certainly no author at present, AI’s suggested daily creative writing schedule sounds realistic and productive (especially avoiding social media and emails to focus) without being overly ambitious.
“There’s just one problem… how to fund this dream lifestyle, which still seems more like fantasy than reality.”
Katie Daly – Lifestyle Writer
Dream life: A romcom writer living in New York City, who always has time for an AM blowdry
Katie’s thoughts: “Though it doesn’t leave much breathing room, there are definitely elements of my ChatGPT-generated morning routine that I could use to take me closer to my dream life.
“I think avoiding checking my phone as soon as I wake up is a great suggestion to keep a clearer mind. I also love the idea of a 10-minute guided meditation in the morning. At the moment, my morning routine feels very functional but taking the time for myself in this time would be a nice way to start the day.
“I also love the idea of a brisk walk in the morning. We can all feel rushed to just get to the next thing so taking a second for fresh air isn’t a bad idea!”